I. AM. IN. LOVE. WITH. MAO. ASADA'S. FREE. SKATE. There. I admit it.
I am sure this statement would cause eyebrows to shoot up, but allow me to explain my comment first.
Yes I know her Free Skate performance at the 2010 Japan Open was bad (okay, it was terrible), but I noticed that this Free Skate shows promise — lots of it. For the past seasons, many critics had been frowning upon Mao's choice of music (her previous Free Skate music was arguably the worst), so her Liebestraum Free Skate, which was choreographed by no less than Lori Nichol, is a welcome change. She's back to doing soft, graceful music, which complements her soft, graceful movements. Hey, no heavy Russian music, here!
I am super excited to see how this program develops. I am confident that Mao will do better next time. She's usually like that during the start of the competition season. She's always starts the season rough, but ends it with a bang. I know this program could rival that of reigning Olympic Champion Kim Yuna, even if I haven't seen her program yet.
This is going be another exciting year for skating. Skate fans all over the world, rejoice!
Here's Mao Asada's poor (but promising) performance at the 2010 Japan Open.
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